5 Essential Facts About Furnace Installation in Dallas

Service Today

At Service Today! we know our customers rely on their furnaces during certain times of the year, but don’t know that much about furnace installation. Properly installing a heating system is critical in achieving the comfort and safety you expect of a furnace. It also helps get the most out of your investment. Here, we will provide some essential facts about the installation process and how it impacts your experience throughout the life of your furnace.

  1. 1. The Right Furnace Size Is Crucial

When installing a furnace in Dallas, not just any model will do. It needs to be the right size for your home. Furnaces come in many different sizes. Choosing a larger one than you need won’t heat your home more effectively. In fact, it could be less reliable, while efficiency issues may mean paying more on your energy bills. 

To find the correct sized furnace, calculate your home’s square footage and also consider the climate in your area. Consulting with a contractor will help you select a model that suits your needs.

  1. 2. The Condition of Air Vents and Ducts Affects Efficiency

Your air ducts and vents should be inspected before furnace installation. If your ducts and vents are clogged, the efficiency of your furnace will be affected. Dirt and debris can restrict airflow. Improper sealing is another problem. It can cause a lot of heated air, and energy, to be lost, rather than make your rooms more comfortable. Clean, properly sealed ducts can allow your furnace to run more efficiently and save on your heating bills.

  1. 3. Heating & Air Conditioning Installation Requires a Permit

A city permit is required when installing any heating & air conditioning unit. Most municipalities require a permit, which means the heating & air conditioning equipment installed will be inspected by a designated individual. They will verify the furnace was installed correctly, meets all the latest building codes, and will be reliable, safe, and efficient. 

Obtaining a Dallas furnace installation permit requires paying a fee, which is typically included in your installation quote. A reputable company will make sure to get a permit. so check that permitting is included if the contractor doesn’t discuss it.

  1. 4. A Programmable Thermostat Can Help Improve Efficiency

Ask the installer about a programmable thermostat. It enables you to adjust the temperature of your home when you know you’ll be away. You can also program the unit with the desired settings. Furnace installation professionals know the best places to install a thermostat, such as on interior walls and away from windows, doors, appliances, fireplaces, heating and cooling registers, or other locations where temperature variations can affect accuracy.

  1. 5. Furnace Care Doesn’t End with Installation

Installation is just the first step to owning your furnace. Make sure to schedule regular maintenance appointments, especially before the heating and cooling seasons. Furnaces can develop issues such as clogged drains, loose electrical connections, dirty air filters, combustion problems, heat exchanger damage, and gas leaks. Your maintenance technician can verify the system is working properly and inspect the furnace, address any issues they find, and perform a tune-up.

Contact Service Today!

We provide professional furnace installation in the Dallas area. To make the process go more quickly and smoothly, we plan each installation in advance so we can anticipate any issues, especially when it’s necessary to remove old equipment and upgrade gas lines, ductwork, etc. Our technicians are seasoned professionals and provide the highest-quality service. Sign up for our SHAPE Membership program to receive regular maintenance, while financing is available with approved credit. To learn more about our furnace installation services, call (888) 743-0053 today!